Thursday 4 August 2011

10% off Our Bump2Baby Packages

10% off Bump2Baby Package throughout August 2011

Your family is growing and it’s magical! With our Bump2Baby package you can be sure that you have a collection of iconic images, taken at each key stage of this wonderful time in your lives, to share with loved ones and cherish forever....

Session One – Motherhood (shot at approx 7 months into your pregnancy)
In your first session we will spend time with you as a family, with your expectant arrival at the centre of the shoot. We will create a mix of fun and reportage style images, with you as a couple as well as individual motherhood portraits. Using your own special items such as booties, ribbon, teddies and shawls will make the finish images even more special to you.
Session Two – The New Arrival (shot when baby is approx 2 weeks old)
This second session concentrates on the miracle that is your new arrival. We will photograph baby with all the family as well as individual portraits with mum and dad. Whether baby’s eyes are closed dreaming or open absorbing the new surroundings we can capture their little fingers, toes and button nose. Remember baby’s first teddy, blanket and tiny baby grows, little hats and booties will all add to the magic of this special time.
Session Three – How they’ve grown (shot when baby is approx 6 months old)
We want to capture how baby grows and changes. This third session will show a more animated little one. Curious at colours, shapes and sounds. Bringing bright coloured clothes and toys, play mats and rattles will compliment those big eyes, which don’t miss a trick. We will capture how your family is growing and how both mum and dad can make baby giggle.
Session Four – Baby at One (shot on or around Baby’s first birthday)
The final session of your bump to baby, will capture baby becoming their own little person. With favourite toys, baby is now sitting up and playing, interacting with you all as a family. Enchanting and curious these times are exciting and your images will show how quickly baby has grown and developed.

Each session will last approx 90 minutes and will create a gallery of approx 35 images for you to choose from. We will present each gallery to you along the way as we build your unique Bump2Baby Collection. We also included in your favourite image from each session as a complimentary 12x8 print. With the chance to create a bespoke story book album or multi image display piece at your final presentation – selecting favourite images captured throughout your bump2baby experience, this will help us design a finished piece which is truly bespoke to you and your new family.

Our Bump2Baby Packages are priced at £249.00 (worth £300.00) and include four sessions, presentation of each session and a 12x8 single print of your favourite image from each session chosen at each presentation. Plus a web gallery for you to share with friends and family – The PIN for this could be your due date?

To discuss ideas or to make arrangements to start your Bump2Baby experience, just call 01900 818 447 or email

Welcome to Our New Look Blog!

I have been saying it for too long now, so here we go the new look blog of me Sarah Robinson, Diamond Dayz Photography! I love what I do, so I'm going to share it with you - promise x

Sarah Robinson, Photographer

My photo
Maryport, Cumbria, United Kingdom
I love what I do! So I'm going to share it with you... Enjoy! Sarah x